
ZombieHorde 0.6.23

Fixed NRE in HasHumanTargetInRange
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Reactions: Dracconus
Added config option "Minimum damage required for a headshot kill" (defaults to 25 which will prevent nailguns and snowball guns from counting as headshots)
Check transforms validity in HasHumanTargetInRange
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Reactions: therustingdeadadmin
Fixed compile error
Added support for using specified AlphaLoot profiles as loot tables for NPCs (Requires ChaosNPC v3.0.11)
Fixed for Rust update
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Reactions: NedFlanders
Added config option "Maximum explosive throw range"
Null check in IsInOrOnBuilding
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Reactions: NedFlanders
Added 'ItemName' field to loot items to specify custom item names
Possibly fixed NRE in OnEntityTakeDamage
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not install prior

Fixed for Rust update
Explosives thrown by zombies will only damage structures, external walls, doors and players
Added config option "Loot" / "Drop default murderer loot on death instead of random loot"
Attempt to resolve UseThrownWeapon NRE
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Reactions: fandangochristmas
This update requires ChaosNPC v3.0.4 which will only work for the coming Rust update!

Updated for ChaosNPC v3.0.4 (see patch notes for more information as most of it is related)
Don't allow bean cans to be thrown when swimming unless target is mounted
Added config option "Make zombies gingerbread men" which will turn all zombies into gingerbread men. This will disable any attire options you have set and override with the ginger bread suit. Corpses will also be gingerbread corpses
Added config option "Consume throwable items when using"
Added config option "Don't apply building damage if the target is not the owner or authed on the TC"
Added config option "Can be targeted by NPC turrets"