UberTool - Admin's new Friend

UberTool - Admin's new Friend 1.4.42

Replaced missing icons using ImageLibrary
  • Added Button re-configuration:
    Each tool has different pre-sets; based on the formerly hard-coded buttons.
    The defaults do already provide all possible button-names
    It accepts lower and uppercase text. Wrong button-names will result into inactive button-checks and decreased functionality.
      "ButtonConfig": {
        "Hammer: change object grade": "FIRE_THIRD",
        "Hammer: get object auth/lock info": "USE",
        "Hammer: object move/transform": "FIRE_SECONDARY",
        "Hammer: rotate object cw": "RELOAD",
        "Hammer: rotation direction ccw (hold)": "SPRINT",
        "Hammer: toggle object on/off/quarrytype": "FIRE_THIRD",
        "Planner: change grade activator (hold)": "DUCK",
        "Planner: choose higher grade": "LEFT",
        "Planner: choose lower grade": "RIGHT",
        "Planner: place object/block": "FIRE_PRIMARY",
        "Planner: rotate before placement": "RELOAD",
        "Remover: remove all activator (hold)": "FIRE_SECONDARY",
        "Remover: remove object/block": "FIRE_PRIMARY"

  • Fix for Quarry placement
  • Added by request a config option to enable/disable the removal of complete buildings:
      "Tool": {
        "Remover pistol can remove full buildings": true,
  • Added a switch to enable/disable the use of IsAdmin check:
      "Permission": {
        "Grant usage right by IsAdmin check": true,
    Setting this to false needs anyone to have one of your choosen permission(s)
  • Fixed "building on monuments not working" at some cases
  • Small changes to hammer "block grade changing" (by rare issue report)
  • Added an option to prevent deployables from being destroyed by surrounding actions, like wall rotations or removal, etc.
      "Tool": {
        "Disable deployable ground-missing checks": true,
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Reactions: MalS
  • Fixed an repeating NRE at "Update" while moving an object
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Reactions: MalS and iDeath91