UberTool - Admin's new Friend

UberTool - Admin's new Friend 1.4.42

  • Fix for Hook-changes in Oxide
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Reactions: MalS
  • Gameupdate-Fix for NRE
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Reactions: MalS
  • Fixed external Wall/Gate placement
  • Fixed LargeBox|ConcreteBarricade|SandbagBarricade moving and rotating
  • Fixed Door|Doubledoor rotation
  • Code cleanup
  • Fixed door rotation not being instant
  • Some code optimization for "OnPlayerTick"
  • Fixed NRE at "OnItemRemovedFromContainer"
  • Fixed some more "No space issues"-preventing several blocks from being placed like expected
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Reactions: VinylFresh
  • Fixed "Not enough space" message for TriangleFoundations
  • Added option to hide these new annoying gametips on tool startup
        "Hide gametips at tool activation": true
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Reactions: VinylFresh
  • Fixed a "not enough space" error on placing foundations in some areas
  • CanBuild NRE fix
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Reactions: Pur3x