UberTool - Admin's new Friend

UberTool - Admin's new Friend 1.4.42

  • Fixed NRE at "OnPlayerTick" (while Hammer choosen)
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Reactions: MalS
  • Fix for an NRE at the HammerTool
  • Added by request some administrative information functionality:
      "Tool": {
        "Enable Hammer CodeLock info by leftclick": true,
        "Enable Hammer TC info by leftclick": true,
    These do, when activated, push TC and/or CodeLock info's into an UT-users console, when the HammerTool was leftclicked while looking onto such objects.
    Distance to entity needs to be more then 1,25m (no hit of object).




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Reactions: MalS
  • Small adjustments on the CUI to display again the same line-heights
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Reactions: MalS
  • Prevent moving of BaseMountable's with mounted players
  • By the tool placed Quarries are now fully static and keep their resource-deposit and type also after next restart
  • By the tool placed Pumpjacks are now fully static and keep their resource-deposit also after next restart
  • Moving objects around does now keep track for assigned buildings.
    This way, decayentities get added to new buildings or removed from thier old building.
    This does also fully work with BuildingPrivlidge's
  • Any non-buildable objects of the static type on map are now also moveable (like Recycler)
  • Pre-patch changes
  • Remover pistol fixes
  • Slight performance improvements
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Reactions: MalS
  • Made other stuff like Recyclers rotatable
  • Made the windmill able to be transformed
  • Button FIRE_THIRD with hammertool does switch on/off stuff like ovens/lights
  • Button FIRE_THIRD with hammertool does change miningquarries statictypes (Sulfur,HQM,etc)
  • Added deployable protection while upgrading buildings or rotating building parts - needs "Override stability while building" set true
  • Added config switch for enable/disable the audio-feedback (click-sounds) when placing foundations
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Reactions: MalS and VinylFresh