UberTool - Admin's new Friend

UberTool - Admin's new Friend 1.4.42

Added support for shipping container skins
Cycling building grade with the hammer tool will cycle into adobe after armoured
Added adobe skin support to building planner grade toggle
Fixed hammer cycling grades
Fixed placed building blocks being stuck in twig
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the game update
Send EntityDestroy message to clients when moving prefabs with the hammer that aren't marked to sync position
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the game update

Fixed for Rust update
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Reactions: benderflexo
Apply SocketBase modifiers to placement modification
Changed wire tool to show small UI menu to select input/output slots. Works the same way, just look at the IO entity and click FIRE_PRIMARY
Added config option "Tools" -> "Remove UberTool items when deactivating the tool"
Remove ubertool items when exiting tool
Updated ray layers so cursed cauldron can be detected by tools
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Reactions: merlinthewizard