
RaceTrack 0.3.7

MiniCopters will reset with the engine started when using the /reset command to prevent falling in the ocean
Using /reset before hitting the first checkpoint will send you back to your grid position instead of the first checkpoint
Fixed error with creating the scoreboard when a player leaves a race or is disconnected
Added disconnected players and players that leave to the scoreboard as DNF
Added support for air races using the minicopter
Added support for flashing lights and siren lights as checkpoint markers
Added config option to disable spectate. This will kick players out of the event when they cross the finish line.
Any player can see the scoreboard once a race is over by typing /racescores
Added global notification of winner to chat
Added global scoreboard usage notifications to chat
Re-added scrap as reward/entrance fee (not sure how that got removed from a previous version)
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Fixed issue with spectate
Added config option to adjust the amount of time from when players get teleported to their vehicles until the race starts
Issue entrance fee refunds to players when a race is closed before it begins
Issue entrance fee refunds to players who leave the race before it begins
Added track option to select whether to use boat/car commander per race
Added RHIB to vehicle choices
Reset metabolism when finishing the race
Don't try and restore player if they disconnected, so when they come back online they get their gear back
Probably fixed the spectate error (unable to test with other players atm)
Destroy the track checkpoints over time instead of all at once
Added RHIB to vehicle choices
Reset metabolism when finishing the race
Don't try and restore player if they disconnected, so when they come back online they get their gear back
Probably fixed the spectate error (unable to test with other players atm)
Destroy the track checkpoints over time instead of all at once
Fixed race ending when first player crosses the finish line
Fixed errors arising from players who disconnect during a race
Fixed incorrect fuel ID causing errors for boat races
Added BoatCommander support
This update requires Oxide version 2.0.3962 or higher!

Updated for hook argument order change
Lowered speed of track creation to minimise server load when spawning checkpoints (roughly 0.5-1 seconds per checkpoint)
Fix CarCommander support