
RaceTrack 0.3.7

Revert because I am an idiot
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior

Pool changes per Rust update
This update requires Chaos extension v1.0.24+

Added support for using a item other than scrap as currency for both entrance fee and rewards. Also supports items with a specified skin as currency
Added support for motorbikes, motorbikes with sidecar, pedal bikes and pedal trikes
This is for the upcoming Rust update. Do not download prior to the game updating
Remove hostile from players when joining a race
Prevent players becoming hostile during a race
Added missing JsonConverter to entity data file
Fixed NRE when using console race command with no arguments
This update requires the Chaos extension v1.0.11 or higher

The UI related options in the config have changed
UI now uses the Chaos UI framework
Record race statistics to use in leader boards
Added race leaderboards UI
Keep last race scoreboard always available
Updated race position/lap counter UI, now attached to the players health/food/water hud and scales accordingly (can be moved in the config)
Added lap timer that update every second without redrawing the whole UI
Added command /race leaders to open the leaderboards
Added command /race scores to open the scoreboard of the last race
Don't prevent mounting/dismounting during foot races
Added dynamic hook toggling, only hooks that are required for the race type are enabled when the race opens
Restoration now uses the restoration framework in the Chaos extension
Added option to set a kit per track using "/track kit <kitname>" when creating or editing a track
Added config option to change the /track command
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the game update!
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the game update