
RaceTrack 0.3.7

Changed checkpoint spawner to spread out the task over time to prevent lag spikes
Fixed rewards via Economics
Fixed checkpoint counter showing laps
Fixed scoreboard not arranging the finalists in the correct order

Added chat commands:
/track cp move <number> - To move a existing check point
/track cp size <number> <radius> - To adjust a existing check points size
/track gp move <number> - To move a existing grid point

Added optional argument of <time> to /track cp show <opt:time> and /track gp show <opt:time> to change how long they are visually represented for
Added custom spectating system which fixes the issue that occurs when a spectators target finishes the race
Added spectators target race UI to the spectator
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The config has changed! See below for information regarding updating your config

Removed all UI when entering spectate
Now destroys track pieces once the race has ended, not when scoreboard closes
Added rewards options to config
Added entrance fee options to config
Added additional messages to inform players of rewards and entrance fees
Added chat command /track delete <name> to delete tracks from data

Config Changes (3 sections)
  "Blacklisted commands for event players": [ // Add from this line here
  ], // To this line here
  "Checkpoint Options": {
    "Checkpoint marker block grade (Twigs, Wood, Stone, Metal, TopTier)": "Metal",
    "Spawn lights around checkpoint markers": true
  "Event Automation": {
    "Enable automated events": true,
    "Event order for non-randomised events": [],
    "Randomise automated events": true
  "Event Entry Options": { // Add from this line here
    "Collect entrance fee from Economics money": false,
    "Collect entrance fee from ServerRewards money": true,
    "Enable entrance fee": false,
    "Fee amount": 100
  }, // To this line here
  "Event Timers": {
    "Interval between automated events (seconds)": 1800,
    "Time to close the event if minimum players has not been reached (seconds)": 240,
    "Time to finish racing after the first player has won (seconds)": 60,
    "Time to start the event when minimum players reached (seconds)": 45
  "Reward Options": { // Add from this line here
    "Enable reward system": true,
    "Give prizes to all podium winners": true,
    "Prize money for first place": 250,
    "Prize money for second place": 125,
    "Prize money for third place": 50,
    "Use Economics as prize money": false,
    "Use ServerRewards as prize money": true
  }, // To this line here
  "UI Options": {
    "Lap/Checkpoint counter": {
      "Background alpha": 0.05,
      "Background color (hex)": "#F2F2F2",
      "Display to player": true,
      "Position - X maximum": 0.83,
      "Position - X minimum": 0.69,
      "Position - Y maximum": 0.175,
      "Position - Y minimum": 0.14,
      "Status color (hex)": "#ce422b"
    "Lap/Checkpoint times": {
      "Background alpha": 0.05,
      "Background color (hex)": "#F2F2F2",
      "Display to player": true,
      "Position - X maximum": 0.83,
      "Position - X minimum": 0.69,
      "Position - Y maximum": 0.215,
      "Position - Y minimum": 0.18,
      "Status color (hex)": "#ce422b"
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Increased collider size of checkpoints to minimise probability of lagging through them with out registering
Detect entrance and exit of collider to minimise probability of lagging through them with out registering

Fixed bug causing issues if you join a event while already in a car
Fixed bug where end of race timer wasn't finishing the event
Possible fix for cleanup NRE
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