
RaceTrack 0.3.7

Added support for modular cars in races.
Create profiles by building the car you want and saving it, then in the track editor assign that profile to your race.

Added the following commands for creating/managing custom modular profiles;
/racevehicle list
/racevehicle remove "profile name"
/racevehicle save "profile name" <tier>

Added the following command to assign vehicle profiles to your track;
/track vehicleprofile <profile name>
Pre-patch for the next Rust update. DO NOT UPDATE UNTIL RUST HAS UPDATED!
Fixed countdown timer being reset to 10 seconds
Updated for hook deprecation
Added config option to launch a firework when the first person crosses the finish line
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Reactions: jaysrips
Updated for Oxide command hook changes
Make sure players are dismounted from other entities when joining a race
Changed reset warning requirements for boats to account for waves
Fixed chat for Rust update
Added support for selecting horse breed when creating a horse racing track
Added support for pagers and flame throwers in restoration data
Fix for HeliCommander compatibility