Plane Crash

Plane Crash 0.3.10

Changed collision detection on heli crates so they don't clip through the terrain
Changed initial velocity and spread of dropped loot (by default its closer to the crash site with less spread)
Added config option to adjust the randomized spread velocity of loot dropped
Added config option to toggle whether planes attacker is marked as the killer of NPC's that spawn dead or despawn
Delay NPC spawning by 5 seconds, calculate average resting position of loot containers and spawn NPCs at that position
Dont equip weapon for wounded NPCs, equip if they get up
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Only assign attacker for loot locking if the rocket is the hit that starts the crash, or if its the hit that blows up the plane mid-air
Added config option to set despawn time for loot containers
Try and enforce loot containers to be above terrain level
Don't dupe items when filling containers, unless every item in the loot table has been used
Changed collider layer to Reserved2 to work with LockOnRockets and not conflict with ZoneManager
Added config option to show grid coordinates instead of world coordinates in death message
Fixed plane not leaning if randomly generated number that dictates direction is 0
Lowered auto crash range to between 30% and 50% of total flight path
Added config options to adjust auto crash range
Changed time based inverselerp to vector based inverselerp to calculate current flight path delta (time could be inaccurate?)
A auto-crash wont be triggered if the plane is over water at that time
Removed random crash direction and always turn towards the center of the map
Manually control engine fireball positions since parenting is too slow
Added config option "Chance of crashing without player interaction"
Added config option "Randomize crash direction" which will add yaw and roll as the plane is going down
Fix for Rust update
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