Plane Crash

Plane Crash 0.3.10

Fixed Min/Max amounts for refined metal in the default config
Fix for the loot population error
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Reactions: Pur3x
The config has changed! Either delete your old config, or see below for instructions regarding making changes to it

- Fixed flying napalm artifacts (as described in the LockOn thread)
- Added custom loot settings - This is not anything amazing, its a very basic loot customization system. Alternatively you can use AlphaLoot or BetterLoot to better customize your supply loot tables

New Config
  "EventTimers": {
    "MaximumMinutesBetweenCalls": 60,
    "MinimumMinutesBetweenCalls": 45,
    "UseRandomCrashTimer": true
  "LootSettings": {
    "Crash_CrateAmount": 3,
    "Crash_SupplyDropAmount": 3,
    "CrateLootTables": { // Add this section from here
      "LootItems": [
          "MaximumAmount": 10,
          "MinimumAmount": 100,
          "Shortname": "metal.refined"
          "MaximumAmount": 2,
          "MinimumAmount": 1,
          "Shortname": "explosive.timed"
          "MaximumAmount": 3,
          "MinimumAmount": 1,
          "Shortname": "grenade.f1"
          "MaximumAmount": 1,
          "MinimumAmount": 1,
          "Shortname": "supply.signal"
          "MaximumAmount": 1,
          "MinimumAmount": 1,
          "Shortname": ""
          "MaximumAmount": 1,
          "MinimumAmount": 1,
          "Shortname": ""
          "MaximumAmount": 60,
          "MinimumAmount": 20,
          "Shortname": "ammo.rifle"
          "MaximumAmount": 60,
          "MinimumAmount": 20,
          "Shortname": "ammo.pistol"
      "MaximumItems": 4,
      "MinimumItems": 1,
      "UseLootTable": false
    }, // To Here
    "FireLifetime": 300,
    "RocketHit_CrateAmount": 1,
    "RocketHit_SupplyDropAmount": 1,
    "SupplyDropLootTables": { // Add this section from here
      "LootItems": [
          "MaximumAmount": 1,
          "MinimumAmount": 1,
          "Shortname": "rifle.ak"
          "MaximumAmount": 1,
          "MinimumAmount": 1,
          "Shortname": "pistol.m92"
          "MaximumAmount": 1,
          "MinimumAmount": 1,
          "Shortname": "pistol.semiauto"
          "MaximumAmount": 1,
          "MinimumAmount": 1,
          "Shortname": "shotgun.double"
          "MaximumAmount": 1,
          "MinimumAmount": 1,
          "Shortname": "smg.thompson"
          "MaximumAmount": 1,
          "MinimumAmount": 1,
          "Shortname": "rifle.bolt"
      "MaximumItems": 6,
      "MinimumItems": 2,
      "UseLootTable": false
  }, // To here
  "Messages": {
    "DestroyMessage": "<color=#939393>A plane carrying cargo has just crashed at co-ordinates </color><color=#ce422b>X: {x}, Z: {z}</color>",
    "DisplayDestroyMessage": true,
    "DisplayIncomingMessage": true,
    "IncomingMessage": "<color=#ce422b>A low flying plane carrying cargo is about to fly over!</color><color=#939393>\nIf you are skilled enough you can shoot it down with a rocket launcher!</color>"
  "PlaneSettings": {
    "ApplyToAllPlanes": false,
    "DeploySmokeOnCrashSite": true,
    "FlightSpeed": 35.0,
    "HeightModifier": 0.0,
    "RocketHitsToDestroy": 3,
    "ShowSmokeTrail": true
Quick revert to fix something I missed
The config has changed! Either delete your old config or see below for information regarding modification

Added config option to turn every plane into a crash plane
Added a config option to adjust the lifetime of the fireballs
Added support for FancyDrop (Requires FancyDrop v2.6.1 or higher)
Added fireballs to the engine fires

Config (Add the following lines to your existing config)
  "EventTimers": {
    "MaximumMinutesBetweenCalls": 60,
    "MinimumMinutesBetweenCalls": 45,
    "UseRandomCrashTimer": true
  "LootSettings": {
    "Crash_CrateAmount": 3,
    "Crash_SupplyDropAmount": 3,
    "FireLifetime": 300, // <<-- Add this line here
    "RocketHit_CrateAmount": 1,
    "RocketHit_SupplyDropAmount": 1
  "Messages": {
    "DestroyMessage": "<color=#939393>A plane carrying cargo has just crashed at co-ordinates </color><color=#ce422b>X: {x}, Z: {z}</color>",
    "DisplayDestroyMessage": true,
    "DisplayIncomingMessage": true,
    "IncomingMessage": "<color=#ce422b>A low flying plane carrying cargo is about to fly over!</color><color=#939393>\nIf you are skilled enough you can shoot it down with a rocket launcher!</color>"
  "PlaneSettings": {
    "ApplyToAllPlanes": true, // <<-- Add this line here
    "DeploySmokeOnCrashSite": true,
    "FlightSpeed": 35.0,
    "HeightModifier": 0.0,
    "RocketHitsToDestroy": 3,
    "ShowSmokeTrail": true
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Reactions: EvilynCorporated
Fix for Infopanel
Adjusted the death explosion
Temporarily removed the black smoke trail behind the engine fires as it speeds up the problem with effects not playing on clients
The config has changed! Please delete your old config before updating

Please note:
The latest Rust updates seems to of brought around a issue where some effects are not being broadcast after being run one time. This is a client side issue as some players have it and others dont. A re-connect fixes the problem for that player. I am unsure if any of you have this issue but it is a problem for me. Currently there is not a lot I can do to work around it, we will have to wait for FacePunch to sort it out. If it is not fixed over the next couple of game updates I will have to try and find a alternative solution.

Patch notes:

Adjusted the planes flight height calculation
Adjusted the plane explosion effects
Changed the collider to better suit the planes size and shape
Added config options to drop loot when hit with a rocket
Added config option to display purple smoke behind the plane when it is flying
Added config options to automatically call crash planes on a timer
Added the ability to shoot the plane down with X amount of rockets before it hits the ground (adjustable in the config)
Updated the overview with the new config and gave a short description of each option