Plane Crash

Plane Crash 0.3.10

Updated for pool changes
Revert because I am an idiot
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior

Pool changes per Rust update
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the game update!
Added config option to convert game spawned planes in to crash planes. These planes will not auto-crash
This update is for the coming Rust update!

The plugin now uses the ChaosNPC extension (formerly CustomNPC plugin)

Fixed for Rust update
Apply fireball lifetime settings to fireballs that spawn with gibs
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Reactions: Dave
Added config option "Drop standard supply drop on auto-spawned planes"
Updated for CustomNPC v2.x.x
The config has changed in regards to NPC settings so take a look after updating
CustomNPC is now a hard dependency
Only drop normal supply drop crates on auto-spawned planes
Don't use Rusts fireball-loot-lock system, just manage it manually
Fixed supply drop colliding with plane collider causing parachute to despawn instantly
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Reactions: DoC