Plane Crash

Plane Crash 0.3.10

Don't spawn fireballs on containers if lifetime is set less than or equal to 0
Prevent fireball spread when parent to container so its not forever locked
Delay smoke trail spawn
Fixed for Rust update

Had to remove the option to apply crash mechanics to all spawned planes as crash planes are no longer considered cargo planes. That means crash planes can only be called either on a timer or manually via command!

Changed API method IsCrashPlane(CargoPlane) to IsCrashPlane(BaseEntity).
If developers are comparing CargoPlane with this method it will always be false, the crash plane component inherits from BaseEntity and the CargoPlane component has been removed

If you are using Lock-On Rockets you will need to update to v0.3.10+
This is for the coming Rust update. Do NOT update prior to the game update
Fixed npc despawn time being applied to loot containers instead of loot despawn time
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Reactions: Dave
This update REQUIRES the CustomNPC plugin ( )
Replaced NPC controllers with the CustomNPC plugin
Fixed for Rust update
Added npc sight range config option
Generate new data file if null
Changed chat command to only send towards calling player if not admin and doesnt have the 'planecrash.cancall' permission
Custom NPC AI
Custom NPC AI
Added config option "Despawn loot if it falls in a safezone"
Added config option "Kill NPC's that enter a safe zone"