Added: Hackable locked crate number to spawn config option
Added: Hackable crate de-spawn time config option
Added: Hackable crate hack time config option
Added: Option to customise player buy command in config
Added: Config option to allow the plugin to handle stacking/combining dropped signal items
Updated: Targeting to prevent automatically strafing other team members which may not be attacking
Added: Time taken to kill helicopter in kill announcement
Added: Config option for top player damage report with damage for each player and rotor accuracy displayed
Added: Config option for max number players in top damage report
Fixed: CanLootEntity hook conflict
Added: Discord webhook config option
Added: Config option to retire helicopter on all team dead
Added: Disable vanilla helicopter event option
Updated: for May 4th Rust update, DO NOT UPDATE BEFORE.
Added: Config option to retire heli if attacked from building blocked after warning threshold reached
Added: Config option for warning threshold for retiring heli