Heli Signals

Heli Signals 1.2.26

- Fixed: Wave Helis are now working as they should
- Fixed: Allow in monuments config option now works properly
- Fixed: Occasional NRE OnEntityKill & OnEntityTakeDamage
Fixed: Error where the calling player cannot damage the heli unless in a clan
- Fixed: Memory leak leading to high RAM usage, poor performance/stuttering in certain cases (Thanks Death for the help)
- Updated: Code clean up and edits for better performance
- Added: Option to award XP via SkillTree instead of XPerience
- Added: Option to award XP including players XP boosts
Fixed: Hook conflict with NpcSpawn
Fixed: OnEntityTakeDamage NullReferenceException error
Fixed: Occasional bug where killed heli regains HP and is then invincible
Fixed: Compatibility with Carbon (Helis now fire rockets on Carbon servers)
Fixed: Heli not firing rockets in some circumstances on Oxide
Fixed: NRE console error message
Fixed: Heli flying away and not returning when it should
Fixed: Heli signals not enabled for buying showing up in the buy list
Fixed: Wave signals not being purchasable via buy command
Added: Separate skin IDs in the config for default wave signals (prevents item name stacking bug)
There are important changes in this update. Please read the description and check out the default config on the page to see how these work.

Any issues, feel free to join my Discord (link above) or open a support thread.

  • Fixed: Error spam under certain conditions where Heli would spawn or move under the map/water
  • Added: Config option to always block damage to a list of specified entities
  • Added: Config option to give XP as a reward (requires XPerience plugin)
  • Added: Config option to specify number of helis spawned with a signal - default 1 (new skins available on plugin page)
  • Added: Config option to reward with a custom item (shortname, skin, name)
  • Added: Config option to also give damage report if helicopter retires
  • Added: Config option for new Heli Wave Signal (Calls helis in waves, one after the other)
  • Added: Config option to display damage report for vanilla patrol helicopter
  • Added: Config option for display and owner for vanilla patrol helicopter for damage report
Fixed: HackableLockedCrate loot BP amounts not calculating correctly
Fixed: Occasional OnEntityTakeDamage error
Fixed: Occasional CanHackCrate error
Added: Config option to prevent players calling in monuments
Fixed: For 7th Sep 2023 Rust update (DO NOT USE UNTIL AFTER RUST UPDATE)
Fixed: Hackable crates not giving correct loot in some cases when enabled in the config
Fixed: Players being able to kill retiring heli and only getting vanilla loot
Fixed: Hook conflict on CanCombineDroppedItem returning false instead of true
Fixed: Added missing config option to allow compatibility with Dynamic PVP plugin
Updated: Changed some code to be more performant