Heli Signals

Heli Signals 1.2.26

- Fixed: OnEntityKill NRE when one or more heli kill team members are offline
- Fixed: Bug where rewards were not received in cases where team members offline
- Fixed: Bug where no rewards earned if players take heli with auto turret
- Fixed: AlphaLoot not being able to populate hackable crates
- Added: Custom chat icon config option
Fixed: Language translation files not working (Tested working)
Fixed: Language defaulting always to English, users who use their own lang files should now be able to
Fixed: Better compatibility with NextGenPVE/TruePVE (Any plugins using CanEntityTakeDamage hook)
Fixed: Compatibility with Dynamic PVP now works properly
Fixed: BotReSpawn vanilla heli profile triggering as well as bot profile set in HeliSignals config
Added: BP chance & max BPs to loot table config
Added: Config option to announce to player/team only or global chat
Added: Config option to force return heli to original called position instead of calling player
Added: Check to allow players with admin perm to override crate and gibs protection
Final time at fixing the unbootable crate issue which I reintroduced on the last fix for another issue. I left some test code on line 2227 which is now removed. 100% Tested working. Apologies, I work shifts and super tired.

  • Fixed: Unlootable crate bug, re-introduced in error by last update
Really sorry for another update so soon, but this bug needed addressing ASAP.
  • Fixed: Bug where the retire command would retire all active helis in some circumstances
Fixed: Typo in OnHelicopterRetire hook causing "ArgumentNullException" error

Fixed: Report command not using custom command if edited in the config
Fixed: Vanilla helicopter event not despawning correctly
Added: Clear cooldown admin command (hsclearcd) requires admin perm
Added: Separate cooldowns for each Heli tier/profile
Added: Config option to enable per tier cooldown or not
Added: Player heli limit config option
Fixed: Bug where players were prevented from looting crates from other Bradleys or Helis in certain cases
Fixed: Bullet accuracy option not working
Fixed: Return to called position height not using the config value correctly
Fixed: Bug where in certain cases players would get kill rewards after heli retired
Fixed: NRE when players shoot helis with remote Auto Turrets
Added: Config option to allow/disallow damage to helis by remote Auto Turret
Added: Report command is now usable by players for their own helis (admin perm allows all helis)
Added: Config option to specify custom report command (default = hsreport)
Updated: Re-write of some methods for improvements in damage handling and code efficiency
Info: Code clean up
Fixed: Hackable locked crate not despawning at time specified in config
Fixed: Custom loot not populating after 1.0.22 update (sorry)
Fixed: Occasional NullReferenceException error on CanStackItem
Added: Hackable locked crate loot table options
Fixed: Buy command not working in some circumstances when using RP or Eco currency
Fixed: Compiling bug when upgrading from 1.0.22 or lower to 1.0.23 or above
Added: Retire command, for players to force the helicopter to retire (by request)