
AlphaLoot 3.1.33

  • Added DM loot containers types to the available containers via "al.containeradd" command
  • Added also the change of scrap amount when running the "al.lootmultiplier" command
  • Fixed a bug in the "al.enable" command
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Reactions: godankorgohome
  • Implemented some functions to prevent the server from overwriting AL-loot with default loot (try #1)
  • Added a debug logfile function for the plugins loot container population
  • This is meant for those people who believe the plugin does not work properly and does not spawn the configured loot into containers on startup and/or while runtime

    You can enable the log-file by this switch:
      "Debug": {
        "debugLogEnabled": true
    The generated file tells you exactly whats it's doing with every existing or spawning container and logs also a fresh server-startup and begin/end of the plugins start procedure.
    In case of you find there any unexpected output, please append your file in the plugin thread.

  • Added "ScrapAmount" as option to LootContainer data section
    This number gets created by the vanilla defaults
  • The amount of scrap, if greater then 0, gets additionally added to the loot contents.
  • The whole function can be switched off<>on by "enableScrapSpawn" in the plugin main config
  • Added basic scrap implementation (specific config options follow later)
  • The plugin does generate(drop) scrap, based on vanilla specification per container, once a container (mainly barrels) got destroyed.
    The default amount of scrap being dropped is multiplied with the containers "UsedMultiplier" setting.
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Reactions: Dubz and Greywalker
  • Added switch "enableLootFraction" (def: false), to control if loot can spawn fractioned (lowered condition) like by vanilla loot.
  • Added switch "enableDefaultRarityOverrides" (def:true) to enable/disable the plugin internal override of some hardcoded item raritys. False would disable this function, and the defaults are taken on next reboot and deletion of "ItemRaritys.json" before that.
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Reactions: CoB
  • Add two containers to be included by default loot tables
  • Patchfix
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Reactions: Alex