
AlphaLoot 3.1.33

  • Fixed NRE at "OnPluginLoaded" to prevent "(ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.)"
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Reactions: EvilynCorporated
  • Re-newed the "al.item..." commands to support also the recently implemented "itemAmountMinMax" option
  • Required FIX for 2.0.0
    I wonder me again today how much the game-devs do also destroy on their way patching their game towards...Some road damage being included for free to keep the debug sports active
With the complete and seamless integration of the recently revived blueprints in game it's a good point in time to raise major the version to 2.x.
  • Blueprints are now fully integrated into the configs in same way like items already are.
  • The default loot-table exports, initially or re-created, do hold now additionally any blueprints of those items which are marked by default to spawn as blueprint
    These entries do have a trailing ".blueprint" extension for their shortname to mark them noticeable as blueprint. You will notice these already in the created defaults.
  • Own changes to the loot tables or itemsets can be filled by the known shortnames including a traling ".bp" or ".blueprint" text extension. Both are being accepted.
    These entries do still need the min/max parts, even when the blueprint is always spawned as "1".
  • The new system lets you therefore spawn the item and it's bluprint in the same loot type.
  • The "ItemRaritys.json" does now also hold the "ItemBlueprintRaritys", to be managed by own personal needs.
  • The former implemented "SpawnAsBlueprint.json was obsolete now and removed again.
    (The file might still be there, but without function)
  • Each container type got added a "MaxBlueprintSpawns" option to limit the max possible spawned BP's per each type.
  • for every loot handled by or from the "LootTables.json" the plugin got added in the mainconfig the global valid "blueprintProbability" with a default of "0.11". This value ranges somewhere at ~10% chance to spawn a blueprint into a container. Possible Lowering f.e. "0.05".
  • In the "FancyDropLoot.json" you will find the equivalent option "BlueprintProbability", to be used for the same approach on FancyDrop loot contents.
  • The mainconfig was again lifted by some confusing optional settings or presets.
    To keep the focus again into starting from a point as near as possible to vanilla, i cleaned up again. These options were removed:
  • The plugin does now hold also the full automated list of available lootcontainers, regaredless being used in game/map or not, or meant as test only.
    To show/list >> al.containeradd
  • The admin loot checktool, initiated by the the hammer works now also on the special type-sets for the heli and the bradley crates. It'sd also extended on checks when supply_drops re managed for FancyDrop types, but is here limited for reference only to the "regular" type.
  • Added a Bradley loot section into the file "BradleyLoot.json".
    It's by default activated by the config option "enableBradleyLoadOut" and works the same way like for HeliLoadOut
  • Example of the current generated default file:
      "CratesToSpawn": 3,
      "LoadOut": [
          "ammo.rifle": {
            "Max": 50,
            "Min": 50
          "lmg.m249": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "weapon.mod.lasersight": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "weapon.mod.small.scope": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "grenade.f1": {
            "Max": 3,
            "Min": 3
          "ammo.rifle": {
            "Max": 12,
            "Min": 12
          "rifle.ak": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "ammo.pistol": {
            "Max": 15,
            "Min": 15
          "smg.thompson": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "ammo.rifle": {
            "Max": 8,
            "Min": 8
          "rifle.bolt": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "ammo.pistol": {
            "Max": 20,
            "Min": 20
          "smg.2": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "ammo.rifle": {
            "Max": 20,
            "Min": 20
          "rifle.lr300": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "ammo.pistol": {
            "Max": 30,
            "Min": 30
          "smg.mp5": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "ammo.pistol": {
            "Max": 30,
            "Min": 30
          "pistol.m92": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "techparts": {
            "Max": 12,
            "Min": 10
          "autoturret": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "door.hinged.toptier": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "ammo.rifle": {
            "Max": 120,
            "Min": 120
          "ammo.rifle.explosive": {
            "Max": 30,
            "Min": 30
          "ammo.rifle.hv": {
            "Max": 40,
            "Min": 40
          "ammo.rifle.incendiary": {
            "Max": 60,
            "Min": 60
          "": {
            "Max": 5,
            "Min": 5
          "ammo.rocket.hv": {
            "Max": 3,
            "Min": 3
          "door.double.hinged.toptier": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "door.hinged.toptier": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "floor.ladder.hatch": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "gates.external.high.stone": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "wall.window.bars.toptier": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "metal.facemask": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "metal.plate.torso": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "explosives": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "explosive.timed": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "weapon.mod.holosight": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "weapon.mod.lasersight": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "weapon.mod.small.scope": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "rifle.ak": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "rifle.bolt": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "smg.mp5": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
          "rocket.launcher": {
            "Max": 1,
            "Min": 1
  • Forgot removal of lots of debug shit :p
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Reactions: Gen. Sriracha
  • Added new file "SpawnAsBlueprint.json" which exports<>imports each items "spawnAsBlueprint" switch..In case of they got a blueprint.
    This way items can be set, like on vanilla, to spawn either as item or as blueprint.
    After manual edits, the file can be fast reloaded by "al.spawnasblueprintreload".
  • removed the following switches from config, therefore the functions behind are always on:
  • The loot categorys in the main config do now by default have these presets:
    "DropSkinned": false,
    "VanillaMultiplier": 1
  • Each loot container entry has now always these fields (with defaults):
    "Enabled": true,
    "Items": x,
    "ItemsVariance": 0/1,
    "LootFraction": true/false,
    "ScrapAmount": x,
    "ScrapVariance": x,
    "UsedMultiplier": 1,
    "UseVanilla": true
  • Also other changed switch defaults:
    "enableDefaultRarityOverrides": false,
    "enableHeliLoadOut": true,
    "includeWorkShopSkins": false,
    "itemAmountMinMax": true,
    "useSkinBoxSkins": false
  • Fixed an (fresh install) NRE from last version due to the addition of the loot fractions file.
  • Added the config option "itemAmountMinMax" which does enable a Min & Max value for each item in each loottable and/or ItemList.
    Changing this option does convert all existing values forward into Min/Max and also backwards into one value.
  • Refreshed the whole plugin to push any changes from the past into all related parts of the plugin (Like for Generic Loot, FancyDrop and HeliLoot and vice-versa where changes were made last time). These are now all on the same state
  • Added a dedicated LootFraction part by file (LootFractions.json)
    This does allow to modify the found-conditions of any supported items from the gamelist between min and max condition.
    "LootFraction" is also switchable per each container of "LootTables.json"
  • The plugin does implement all its function(descriptions) and variable overviews into the native server view. This is part of my planned full help integration into the plugin itself
    To find any "alphaloot" related stuff use
    > On ServerConsole: find alphaloot
    > On ClientConsole: find alphaloot
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Reactions: Alex