
UpLiftEd 1.2.30

  • Fix for NRE at OnMeleeAttack
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Reactions: Mimmo
  • Lift-towers can now be upgraded to TopTier
  • Cabins got added a CodeLock inside to acccess the "UseLift" function also after the walls have been upgraded (This access would blocked otherwise)
  • TunaLights were replaced by CardReaders;
    This enable's a 3 way colored info about the door and lift-call status.
    This enables also again to connect any buildingblock on the right side of the doors (the Tunalight did block this)
  • The lift settings UI can be called from outside by hitting a CardReader with any meelee (lift-owners & admins)
  • Adjusted the check that displays the "Too close by another installed lift" message;
    This does now also prevent tilted lift installations beside another to prevent players from abusing the lift as indestructible base-defense;
    This check is not active while in liftadmin-mode
  • Prevents players from being moved with the cabin while in "noclip" mode
  • Replaced the lifts "Lantern" with the new "SimpleLight".
    This produces amore clear light without any server-resource&perf costs like the lantern.
  • Repaired the cabin light on/off automation to work correct like set-up.
  • Repaired the comfort-zone inside the lift.
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Reactions: Mimmo and Krazy_
  • Added more localization:
      "PowerState.Internal": "Internal",
      "PowerState.TC": "TC",
      "PowerState.FoC": "FoC",
      "CabinLightMode.Dynamic": "Dynamic",
      "CabinLightMode.AlwaysOn": "AlwaysOn",
      "CabinLightMode.Disabled": "Disabled",
      "ShareMode.None": "None",
      "ShareMode.Clan": "Clan",
      "ShareMode.Friends": "Friends",
      "ShareMode.Full": "Full",
      "ShareMode.Public": "Public",
      "FloorShare.Public": "Public",
      "FloorShare.Full": "Full",
      "FloorShare.Friends": "Friends",
      "FloorShare.Clan": "Clan",
      "FloorShare.Excluded": "Excluded",
      "FloorShare.Hidden": "Hidden",
      "FloorShare.HiddenVIP": "HiddenVIP"
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Reactions: gormie
  • Stability patch:
    Fixed various NRE's on different actions
  • PatchFix #2 - corrected Fuel
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Reactions: Mimmo
  • PatchFix
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Reactions: Mimmo
  • Added an load-override to the debug-options.
    This does force the plugin to iterate through all lifts, no matter in there are errors on any of them. These which had errors are then out-of-function.
      "Debug": {
        "LoadOverrideCorrupted": false,
    Set true to let it work.
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Reactions: Mimmo and Resist