The Tipster

The Tipster 1.4.9

  • Removed some debug output
  • Added a StaffInfo section
    "Commands": {
    "Activation": {
      "CmdStaffInfo": true
    "Command": {
      "CmdStaffInfo": "staffinfo"
    "General": {
        "Staff info - authLevel": 1,
        "Staff info - permission": "tipster.staffinfo"

  • Fixed Welcome messages not showing when join messages where disabled
  • Fixed NRE's at "OnPlayerInit"
  • Changed the text splitter char limit to let all messages being displayed correct
  • Added switch "Enable - IP checks (needed for countrycode|countryblock)" to disable the call of webrequests to get the players country-code.
    Disabling this will also disable the CountryBlock function, and the plugin does only show the alternative lang message "Join Message Unknown"
  • Added some Formating options, like ChatIcon SteamID
  • Fixed PlayerDatabase probably causing NRE's
  "Formatting": {
    "Plugin Icon SteamID": "0",
    "Show prefix for Adverts": true,
    "Show prefix for Joins": false,
    "Show prefix for Leaves": true,
  • Added aditional checks to "OnClientAuth" to prevent NRE's
  • Fixed a missing "</color>" tag for "Join Message Unknown"
  • Added a "Help" section to the plugin commands
This has by default these messages in the lang file:
  "Help00": "Type <color=#ff7538>/tipster</color> for all available commands",
  "Help01": "Open this help by <color=#ff7538>/help</color>",
  "Help02": "Check the server <color=#ff7538>/rules</color>",
  "Help03": "See who's online by typing in <color=#ff7538>/players</color>",
Can be activated by (is false by default):
      "CmdServerHelp": true,
Default chatcommand is:
      "CmdServerHelp": "help",
Also added some formatting options:
    "Helpmessages prefix": "<color=#ff7538><size=18>•</size></color> ",
    "Textcolor help": "#bebebe",
  • Fixed the wrong returned language strings to players from disconnect-messages
  • Fixed Join-Messages not showing a joining player to all players