The Tipster

The Tipster 1.4.9

Fixed for Rust update
Updated for hook deprecation
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Reactions: ShuarS
Fixed for Rust update
  • Added the seperator to the config, cause the default was unicode and this is'nt accepted anymore by the game
        "Seperator": "-",
        "Seperator length": 25,
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Reactions: Alexander Tassin
  • Replaced any old (now unsupported) colornames in the defaults with their associated hex values
  • Fix to let it compile again
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Reactions: Hanumann
  • Replaced deprecated EnqueueGet method
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Reactions: TheBleak13
  • Fixed an issue at loading of the player-database file.
    The prior version did reset the file at each plugin-load.
  • Small addition to the 1.4.1 changes:
      "General": {
        "Use Newcomer messages for first join": true
  • Added a few more options:
      "Adverts": {
        "Permission for bypassing adverts": "tipster.bypassadverts", // for admins/staff/VIP, blocks the adverts
      "General": {
        "Display steam avatar of player - join/leave": false, // display's each users unique avatar as icon
        "Do not load&save player database": false, // does fully disable the player data-base content being saved&loaded, where not needed.

  • Added NewcomerMessages:
    "Newcomer00": "<size=18>Thx for joining and welcome aboard <color=lightblue>{}</color></size>",
    "Newcomer01": "<color=#ff7538><size=20>•</size></color> Type <color=#ff7538>/tipster</color> for all available commands",
    "Newcomer02": "<color=#ff7538><size=20>•</size></color> Please respect our server <color=#ff7538>/rules</color>",
    "Newcomer03": "<color=#ff7538><size=20>•</size></color> Have fun and respect other players"
    Will get displayed to a player only once at initial join to the server.
    Initial join means: Players does not exist in the data-file.
    Requirement: datafile not disabled.