The Tipster

The Tipster 1.4.9

  • Missed to remove debug output in recent version :p
  • Trying to fix some rare countryblocker issue (Is'nt blocking on some cases).
  • Corrected a recent added formatting option:
    From: "ServerMgr.Instance.connectionQueue.Joining + ServerMgr.Instance.connectionQueue.Queued + Active"
    To: "ServerMgr.Instance.connectionQueue.Joining + Active"
  • Added additional usable values to the language-file output-options
    {players.joining} > "ServerMgr.Instance.connectionQueue.Joining"
    {players.queued} > "ServerMgr.Instance.connectionQueue.Queued"
    {} > "ServerMgr.Instance.connectionQueue.Joining + ServerMgr.Instance.connectionQueue.Queued + Active"
  • Added two switched to the config to treat(=list) admins on login/leave like players
      "General": {
        "Admin join - treat as player": false,
        "Admin leave - treat as player": false,
    Set one or both to true and disable any hiding switches for admins, and you are fine.
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Reactions: Man 0n the Mo0N
  • Welcomemessages to players wait now to display until the player has fuly entered the game; Including checks for being dead on respawn or being sleeping.
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Reactions: Viper and DoC
  • PatchFix
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Reactions: dak0za
Fix to prevent NRE's at "OnServerInitialized" resulting from a mismatched playerdatabase file.
  • Fixed an issue while plugin loading NRE's
  • Added some more data integrity checks to avoid hopefully some of the uncommon NRE's on some servers