
TeleportGUI 2.0.24

Fixed an issue where a daily usage would still be used even when a TP was cancelled.
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Much needed update:
- The large UI now always shown when the sleepers toggle is enabled, fixing the issue where you wouldn't be able to see all sleepers if less than 25 players were online
- The title bar on the large UI is now slightly more reasonably sized (thinner)
- Player name 'collisions' are now fixed, the commands are now based on user IDs rather than names. You shouldn't notice a difference, but hopefully "player not found" messages should be a thing of the past when using the GUI.
Fix for the latest Rust patch.
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Should fix possible NRE's when a player disconnects during a teleport request.
This update should fix an error where a player would try to accept/deny a request (either via a non-accurate GUI refresh or running the command manually) which no longer existed.
Teleporting now actually works. No idea how I broke this. Thanks to Ol Gregg for bringing it to my attention.
Fixed the "unable to find config value for 'CanTeleportToZone'" error.
Added support for ZoneManager "notp" zones.

Added two new config options:
- CanTeleportIntoZone (default: true)
- CanTeleportFromZone (default: true)

Disabling either of these will block teleporting to/from ZoneManager zones with the "notp" flag set to true.

Thanks to Doc for the suggestion, please bear in mind these changes are currently untested although theoretically should work fine.

I have also made a small tweak so typing "bind <key> tpgui" should now work correctly. I may add a chat message or two for this at some point.
Teleportation with sleepers is here! Yay!

So you now have the ability to teleport to sleepers, and also use the TP here function on them too. You will need the "teleportgui.sleepers" permission (or admin) to use it, and a new button will show up on your GUI next to the cancel/back/here buttons. This changes the UI to showing sleepers, which you can then either teleport to, or toggle on the "here" function to teleport them to you.

It's worth bearing in mind, that due to a sleeper not being able to accept at TPR (duh!) this teleport is instant, with no cooldown or currency charges, so I wouldn't recommend giving this ability to your players; keep it to admins and staff only.

A final thing to note on the topic of sleeper teleportation is that there are currently no chat commands in place for this. I figured that most of you admins are going to be using the GUI anyway, so it would be waste of time to add it to the chat command system too.

I also fixed a bug where the tphere button was getting rendered 'behind' the actual player name button on the large GUI, causing the tphere button to not be clickable. This is now fixed.

I also write a new class for holding players' GUI settings, eg whether they have sleepers enabled, if tphere is enabled, and the page they are on (for the large GUI). This makes adding new functionality much easier to do in the future and also means that settings are remembered between opening and closing the GUI. I could add this to the data file so it's even saved between restarts/reloads but I feel this is a little unnecessary - although let me know if you'd like this!
/tp {x} {y} {z} now works correctly and fixed a bug where the large GUI would always open