
TeleportGUI 2.0.37

Greetings friends!

Finally got some free time to work through that to do list, two things added today:
Configurable time until teleport; you can now configure (with permissions) the time from after the request is accepted until the player has actually teleported. This one has been on the list for a while and I'm sorry it took so long.
Now supports the "CanTeleport" hook - just like NTeleportation. This basically means the plugin will now work with all your raid blocker type plugins, stopping the player from teleporting if they shouldn't be able to.

As usual please let me know if you have any other suggestions - /tpc and /tpb are both on the to-do list but will take a while to get done since I plan on adding them both to the GUI.
Fixed for clans and people with special characters in their names
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Previously it would only grab the lowest setting for max homes (always defaulting to the default value). This is now fixed so it always grabs the highest value the player has access to.
Added option to allow special characters. This'll be useful for all you users with non English languages that have a bunch of special characters (eg Russian) :)
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Plugin now supports maximum daily uses with both a default value and permissioned value. If you wish to remove the daily uses from a permission group just set it to 9999 as shown with the teleportgui.none permission group by default.

It's pretty hard to test if this is working or not since I have to wait until midnight each time I want to test it (lol) but please let me know if there are any issues.

For anyone wondering the uses should reset at midnight local time.
Now supports Economy, Server Rewards, and blocks TP if crafting.
Edit the config to enable economy and server rewards, and to change the price.
Also in the config is an option to block TP if the player is crafting :)
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Names are now shown in alphabetical order in the large ui as well as the small ui (oops, forgot to add this last time round)
Fixed some things, now list names in alphabetical order