
TeleportGUI 2.0.37

Added config option "Ignore safe zones when checking condition" to the in monument teleport condition which doesn't include the compound and bandit town in the condition check
Monument warp points check for NPCs in a specified radius before returning spawn point
Added config option "Radius to check for NPC's when teleporting to a monument warp point"
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the game update
Clear generated monument warp cache on plugin unload
Added config option "Disable UI"
Fixed warp data not saving when deleting a warp point through the UI
Show number of homes remaining when creating a new home
Added a custom topology conditions to the config.
Added console command 'teleportgui.convertntp <folder>' to convert NTeleportation admin and home data to use with this (See overview for more information)
Added config option "Hide warp points if the player doesn't have permission"
Added a monument warp position generator that generates a bunch of random positions in monuments so warp points don't warp each player to the same place
Generate config options for generating automatic warps points in monuments
Added ability for generated monument warps to have a custom permission assigned to it
Added ability for generated monument warps to have a custom command assigned to it
If "Homes can only be set on building blocks" is enabled, a foundation/floor check is done when attempting to TP to it. If the foundation/floor does not exist then the home point is removed and the player is notified
Fixed a issue where some chat responses threw a format exception
Ignore monument based teleport conditions when using warp points
Fixed home delay settings being applied to warps
Dont show popup notification is teleport delay is 0
Added config option "Only shows friends, clan members and team mates in player list"
Replace existing methods for monument and oil rig detection with a simple bounds comparison, customized bounds of some monuments to fit the monument better
Before :
After :
This plugin now requires the Chaos extension ->
All configuration, data and lang files have changed, you should back these up before updating

The plugin has completely been re-written and now includes HomesGUI and WarpsGUI

See the overview for more information
Only refund on /tpc if player has already paid