
SkinBox 2.2.14

Hook subscribe/unsubscribe
Don't allow changing page while container is being filled
Added config option to show skins in reverse order
Restore attachment condition
Don't allow right-click move stacked items out of the skin box so it doesn't try and stack it on an existing stack which fucks the item amount restoration
Changed OnItemAddedToContainer and OnItemRemovedFromContainer hooks
Check config skin list for invalid LR300 entry (lr300.item) and rename it to the actual short name (rifle.lr300). Not sure why the old version used that as the item short name
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Reactions: Serge
Fixed no cost permission still requiring currency in your inventory when dragging a item in to the box even though it doesnt deduct it
Added console commands;
skinbox.addvipskin <permission> <skinID> - Imports the skin and assigns it the specified permission
skinbox.removevipskin <permission> <skinID> - Removes the skin and removes its permission designation
skinbox.addvipcollection <permission> <collectionID> - Imports the collection and assigns it the specified permission
skinbox.removevipcollection <permission> <collectionID>- Removes the collection and removes its permission designation
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Reactions: DoC and Corrosive
Purchase cost is not applied if you remove the same skin or no skin out of the skin box (cost to open still applies)
Changed chat messages to show as UI on top of the inventory panel, instead of in chat where the user cant see it
Added a message that shows usage costs when opening the SkinBox
Send replies back to player console if its being used for console commands instead of just printing to rcon
Fill workshop name conversion list before finding any skins so its populated when verifying workshop skins with approved skins disabled
Fixed IsSkinBoxPlayer API always returning true after using the SkinBox
The plugin has been re-written. Backup your old config before updating as it will be replaced with the new config file!

For instructions on how to copy over your existing workshop skin list see this post

See the overview for more information
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Reactions: Samshoun
Remove debug