
SkinBox 2.2.14

Call AttachToBuilding on DecayEntities so upkeep is calculated correctly
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Added config option "Approved skin timeout (seconds)" which will abort waiting for steamworks definitions for those having trouble with Rust downloading the approved skin manifest. Not sure if workshop skins will actually work if your server can't even download the approved manifest but its worth a try. For everyone else this can be ignored

Added ability to quickly reskin both items and deployables by specifying a skin ID as a argument when using the chat commands.
ex. '/sd 2442483832' will reskin the target entity with the specified skin if it is in the skin list without opening the box
ex. '/sb 2442483832' will reskin the item in your hands with the specified skin if it is in the skin list without opening the box
All the same checks, costs and cooldowns will apply the same as if you did it through the box itself
Updated to support snowmobile
Restore owner ID on deployables when changing from normal->redirected skins and vice versa
Fixed alphabetical sorting issue due to missing names for new lanterns

Added support for reskinning deployables, config options for command and permission customization
Add popup messages for all the reasons why the skin box won't accept a item
Fix NRE when removing a item from the SkinBox before it has finished populating items
Changed skinbox.addskin and skinbox.addcollection to display how many skins it successfully gathered from Steam
Prevent dropping items from the skin box on the floor as doing so breaks attachments
Added config option "Skin list order (Config, ConfigReversed, Alphabetical)" to select the sorting method for skins in the skin box. For config based sorts the approved skins will be listed either at the start if normal or at the end if reversed

Added config option "Show skin ID's in the name for admins" which will show the items skin ID in the name for admin players whilst the item is in the skin box