Skin Perks

Skin Perks 4.1.9

  • Potential Fix for null reference error (NOTE: I was unable to recreate this issue even with some users exact configs. So further null checks were added. Please let me know if this error persists)
  • Fix for double equip messages displaying (Messages will only display when picking up item from ground or when clothes with dodge is placed into clothing slots)
  • Fix for error when creating a new config file
NOTE: Fields in Tiers have been updated and Colour field is no longer used, new fiields will automatically be appended
  • Updated Tiers to now be dynamic, changing tier within config file will adjust all items assigned to the tier (use /sp tier <tier> to assign tier to item in hand | /sp tier reset to remove the tier from the item)
  • Added custom permissions that can be applied to items, this will allow you to only allow certain players to access the perks of an item. If a player does not have the permission then the item will act as if it is an ordinary item (/sp perm <permission> to apply permission for item | to grant this permission it will become prefixed with skinperks.cp.)
  • Added commands to add and remove tiers (/sptier add <tier> and /sptier remove <tier>)
    Note: edit commands for tiers to come in a future update.
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Reactions: Bumfuzzler
  • Fix for error when trying to send message with steam icon
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Reactions: FunkyRusty
  • Updated method for sending messages to players
  • Fix for incorrect equip message
    NOTE: After further testing with the new damage multiplier for event entities such as the tank and helicopter, I have realized that even with a high multiplier of 100x on an ak, the helicopter will instantly die as per predicted. However, the tank WILL take extra damage (about every bullet took about 1 health) but will not instantly die due the the higher armour it has.
  • Added ability to apply damage multipliers to even entities (tank and helicopter)
    /sp damage entity
  • Added ability to set all damage multiplier for all categories at once
    /sp damage all
  • Bug fix for NoDurability incorrectly setting items health to 100 instead of its max
  • Bug fix for some wrongly formatted messages
  • Added option to change the gather rate of weapons now
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Reactions: Greywalker
  • Bug fix for KeyNotFoundException
  • Updated dodge method.
    Should work more efficiently and always triggered when attacked.
    Note: Only works with other player attacks. (No Animals)
    Known bug: unable to dodge melee attacks.
  • Changed some language messages to be local within the plugin.
    This has been done in order to simplify the language file.
    Messages that have been moved include: (Apply, SpName, SpCreate and all Help messages)
    Please save a copy of your current language file, delete it and reload the plugin, in order to get the updated version.
  • Changed /sp info to /spinfo .
    Now can be access without permission.
  • Added NoDurability messages.
  • Added ResourceId.