Npc Raiders

Npc Raiders 1.7.6

Added external scan range moved back the currentWave++
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Changed where it updated current wave.
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Some changes to how lists are handled.
Some rework on MLRS
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Added logtofile config option to log raidme buy chat command
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Changed reload and switch times to make them faster ac wep changes.
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Added formation_ to npc rock detection
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Fix for truePve turret target
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Fix for conflicting with HumanNPC from umod
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Added Npc spawn damage delay to config - Delay damage to npc on spawn to stop spawn camping time in seconds.

added 4 second destroy timer to corpses that spawn with no loot.
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka