Npc Raiders

Npc Raiders 1.7.6

Changed way it adds players cooldown.
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Fix Npc Names? Tested seems to change there names now.
forgot disabled debug mode
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Quick fix
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Fix for Reward kits
Fixed Extra waves counting the first wave as a extra wave
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Work on rock/cliff detection on spawning npc.
Added more messages to the event start to give event starting player a 60 seconds heads up.
Support for random kit reward
See main page for config reward examples.
Reward Type "kit"
"RewardAmmount": "kitname"
Should Disable LifeSupport plugin for anyone in raid Event
Added config Option Limit the damage to players building
WARNING: they can exploit this by having someone else not authed on main tc build a wall around there base.