Lock-on Rockets

Lock-on Rockets 0.3.21

Fix for animal lock
The config has changed! Either delete your old config or see below for information regarding editing your existing config

Made changes to the aim/locking system as recommended by @Trilby Mctip
Added options to toggle lockable entity types
Now forces damage against helicopters
Added helicopter specific modifiers to make taking down a heli much easier

New Config:
  "DetonationTime": 30.0,
  "DisableRocketBeep": false,
  "DisableSmokeEffects": false,
  "HelicopterLockModifiers": { // Add from this line here
    "DamageModifier": 5.0,
    "SpeedModifier": 2.5
  "LockOnTypes": {
    "Animal": true,
    "Helicopter": true,
    "Loot": true,
    "Plane": true,
    "Player": true,
    "Resource": true,
    "Structure": true
  }, // To this line her
  "RocketDamage": 300.0,
  "RocketSpeed": 40.0,
  "TimeToLockOn": 3.0
  • Like
Reactions: Trilby Mctip
Added localization
Slightly adjusted lock height
Stopped damage leeching through walls
Fixed being able to fire a locked rocket when not aiming
Removed the chat commands, usage costs and cooldown stuff.
Replaced it all by using smoke rockets as the item. Add smoke rockets to your loot tables, or give them out in kits to allow players to use lock-on rockets.

See the overview for more information!
Re uploaded to fix missing file