Lock-on Rockets

Lock-on Rockets 0.3.21

Updated for hook deprecation
Don't target stashes for stash esp
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Reactions: Zuddles
Full rewrite, new config
Easier target locking, target will remain locked providing you are aiming within 5 degrees of original localized aim point (depicted by the ddraw cube) and have a clear LOS
Rocket has 0.5 second delay before locking on to target
Split helicopter lock types (Attack, CH47, Minicopter, ScrapTransport)
Added NPC, RHIB, Rowboat lock types
Smoke rocket is now the homing rocket (no destroying fuckery) with smoke effect disabled. Prefab name for the smoke rocket projectile is "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_smoke.prefab" for those that exclude/include it in a PVE plugin
Split Minicopter to its own detection setting
Moved rocket prefab string to the config
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Reactions: Krazy_
Prevent TC being a lockable target
Added Minicopter to helicopter detection types
Added some layer filtering to improve lock-on ability
Fix for rockets slowing down as they get closer to their target
Fix for Rust update
Fix for Rust update
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Reactions: MalS
Added CH47 detection to helicopter category, also applied helicopter speed and damage modifiers to CH47