
AlphaLoot 3.1.33

  • Mandatory update!
    Due to changes in the game code during the last major update, the code used by the plugin resulted in longer loading times during startup.
  • BugFix for empty SupplyDrop
  • Fix for FancyDrop (airdrops might probably be empty) related to prior version update
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Reactions: mox123456 and Rocky
  • Added by developer-request a "initialLootSpawn"-check for LootContainers used in other plugins for other usage than origon lootspawning
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Reactions: Dennis Fyfe
  • Added new config option "enableSkinIdFields"
    > Adds an optional steady SkinId field to items (only when using also itemamountminmax)
  • Added the repopulate option to heli- and bradley-loot files:
      "CrateSettings": {
        "Repopulate": false,
    Setting this to "true" would also re-populate these on plugin startup and also by "al.repopulateloot".
    Before, the plugin did exclude these types on startup or by that command.

  • Changed the "Repopulate" default for "codelockedhackablecrate" to false.