
AlphaLoot 3.1.33

Set a field in data file to tell the editor it is the base loot table, and not a heli/bradley table (determines option in editor for adding new profiles to bradley/heli)
Store/restore default scrap amounts so defaults get saved in new loot tables and restored when plugin unloads
Datafile updated to support editor node data
Check container has valid inventory when refreshing contents, if not, create one
** This update will modify your loot table file. Back it up before updating!
** This update will require the latest version of the profile editor!

Split heli and bradley loot profiles in to their own loot table files
Added support for creating and using multiple loot profiles for heli_crate and bradley_crate
Heli and bradley crates will randomly cycle through all available profiles so you can create different profiles for each crate dropped
Changed al.generatetable command to include heli and bradley loot table names (al.generatetable <filename> <helifilename> <bradleyfilename>)
Added commands al.setheliloottable <filename> and al.setbradleyloottable <filename> to change those loot tables on the fly
Removed accidental blocking of skin ID 0 when adding skins
Added console command "al.additems <shortname> <opt:shortname> ...." to manually add items to the loot table the same way as the auto-updater
Use Rusts LootContainer.GenerateScrap method so the LootContainer.scrapDef reference is assigned from the start so that scrap bonuses are applied
When populating loot, set loot container scrap amount variable to the amount generated by AL so that scrap bonuses are applied to the modified amount
Fixed NPC loot profiles not checking if the profile is disabled
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Reactions: Nicholas Woodhead
Added auto updater for new items when they are added to the game;
- For advanced definitions, since it is possible that the hierarchy the new item belongs to no longer exists in a customized loot table new items will be added as a individual loot definition containing just that item, however the probability set for that advanced loot definition is a calculated score of the item being chosen from the default loot table. This probability score is calculated using the weight of the item and all its parent subspawn definitions, the probability and number of loops of the loot definition multiplied by the number of times it appears in a loot profile all the way back to the start of the hierarchy chain.
- For simple definitions, the probability score is calculated the same way as an advanced score, however since simple definitions use a weight system the weight of the item is calculated by the sum of the weight of all other items in that loot profile multiplied by the calculated probability score of receiving it in the default loot table.
Each new item added to the loot table will be printed in console with the name of the item, the container it was added to and the probability/weight score assigned to it

Added console command " <shortname>" to list all containers the specified item is in and how many times it is in it
Delay skin retrieval on server start until steamworks has been initialized