
StacksExtended 2.0.16

  • Added MedicalTool checks to enable stacking in Belt
  • The plugin is now able to stack nearly EVERYTHING :p
  • Stacking of nearly everything needs some additional functions, which are exemplarily shown there (what i got so far):
  • Additional added features (what else i got so far):
  • This added configpart manages these functions and features:
      "ExtraFeatures": {
        "beltAntiToolWeaponStack": true, // Prevents stacking of for eaxmple hatchets in the belt
        "blockDifferentSkinStacks": true, // prevents stacking of different skinned items, cause splitting again would remove skins
        "blockModdedWeaponStacks": true, // Prevents stacking of weapons with different mods
        "blockUnequalAmmoWeaponStacks": true, // Prevents stacking of weapons with different ammo count and types
        "enableLiquidContainerStacks": true, // Enables stacking for example of for example waterbottles (see Video2)
        "enableProjectileWeaponStacks": false // Global activator for stacking projectile weapons
    I will update the plugin description next days(s) with these.
  • The plugin can now also RESTORE the complete default stacks of items and containers while runtime (Plugin needs to be installed already on server-start to make this work)
    The command "se.clearreload true" does restore in your config the item and containers stacks to their defaults and sets theae also instant in the game.
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Reactions: Viper
  • Fixed NRE on load
  • Added ResourceID