Remote Turrets

Remote Turrets 0.2.52

Fix for recently exposed fields by Oxide
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Reactions: Mimmo
Added config option to disable cycling through turrets
Update for compatibility with RocketTurrets v1.3.9
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Reactions: Mimmo and Pur3x
Fixed ammo UI
Fixed turret name on overlay
Forgot to mention in the previous patch notes you can now name your turrets by typing '/rt name <name>' which will be reflected in the console view and overlay
Updated for RustNET v0.1.05
Added config options to disable any control/access feature
Added config options to display a UI overlay when controlling the turret
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Reactions: Vustra.
Register custom permissions
Turrets will no longer target your dummy player when you are accessing objects through the terminal
Disable player controls if the turret is a Javelin or AntiAir turret from RocketTurrets
Added config option to create permissions to allow different turret limits
Fixed issue switching turrets when only 1 is available
Fixed strings that mentioned searchlights
Rewrite to utilize RustNET
RustNET is now required to use RemoteTurrets

Commands and permission have changed! See the overview for more informartion
Fix for Rust update
Added small ammo counter UI
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Reactions: Pur3x