Remote Turrets

Remote Turrets 0.2.52

The config has changed! Back up your config before updating

Fixed for new turrets
Removed aim cone and fire rate options from config as these are restricted to the weapon that is being used
Ammo UI now displays as "ammo in clip / ammo in inventory"
Reload weapons when clip is empty
Updated for Oxide command hook changes
Added config option to require electricity to use the turret
Turrets can not be turnt on from the RustNET interface if they dont have a power source
Update default config with new image URLs. This will not overwrite your existing config!
Prevent players from being able to set a NPCAutoTurret they placed as a RemoteTurret
Use default values for users who access a turret without any of the permissions
Backup your config before updating!

Changed config permissions to include separate aimcone and firerate variables. You will need to update any custom permissions if you were using them
Automatically recreate data file is it becomes corrupted
Disable external turret interactions when occupied
Cancel crafting when occupying a turret
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Reactions: Mimmo
Fixed ammo counter always displaying 0
Remove ammo item when depleted
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Reactions: Mimmo
Fixed turrets not firing in the direction they are facing
Changed inventory strip method to eliminate entity leak
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Reactions: Mimmo