
Loadouts 2.0.7

Revert to default loadout if previously selected loadout has been deleted (for auto-loadouts)
Fixed allowed items blocking adding item to creation menu
Preload item icons in ImageLibrary for item default skin
Added command "/editdefaultloadout" to create/edit a default loadout for players if auto-loadouts on respawn is enabled and they havent created a loadout yet
Added command "/deletedefaultloadout" to delete the default loadout
Remove incorrect permission being applied to the copy inventory button
Check allowed item list when copying inventory, not just the blocked item list
Disable auto kit hook if auto kits are disabled
Fixed auto kit using normal give method instead of the one defined for auto kits specifically
Added config option "Give last purchased loadout as auto-kit on respawn (there is no cost associated with this)"
Added config option "Method to give items to player when claimed as a auto-kit (SupplyDrop, GiveItems)"
Added item limits in loadout. You can change the limits in /oxide/data/Loadouts/item_limits.json and they default the the max stack size of the item
Added item limits in loadout. You can change the limits in /oxide/data/Loadouts/item_limits.json and they default the the max stack size of the item
Prevent stacking loadout supply signals for servers that allow stacking supply signals.
Added config option "Disallow players from claiming a loadout signal if they already have one in their inventory"
Added config option "Only allow loadouts to be claimed in these zones" where if there are any zone IDs entered here players will only be able to claim loadouts in those zones
Added hook call (object)CanClaimLoadout(BasePlayer) for other plugins to block claiming a loadout