
Loadouts 2.0.7

Fixed default loadout not being given when auto-kit on respawn is disabled
Added config option "Take items when player creates a loadout from their inventory"
When enabled the items the user is saving to the loadout will be consumed from their inventory upon saving.
A small UI warning screen will popup to confirm the action.
This only applies when the player has copied the item list from their inventory.
If the user has removed items from their inventory between copying them and saving they will not be able to save their loadout

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Updated UI to use new native item icons (major performance increase when browsing the item selector)
Increased size of item selector to fit all items
Fixed for Rust update
Fixed issue with claiming kits when preferred or default loadout is set
Prevent players being given auto-kits if a valid loadout is available, use the same hook as Kits when giving a loadout on spawn since apparently the hook for giving default items isn't giving the loadout to new players (Could not reproduce, was working fine for me?)
Added buttons in the menu to set and remove desired respawn loadout
Only auto-set the preferred respawn loadout when claiming a loadout if one has not already been set
Disable amount adjustment for weapons and attire, regardless of whether your server allows them to be stacked
Only show attire category items when selecting items for the wear container
Change first category to open when selecting items to the first in the list of available items (Fix NRE is weapon category is disabled)
Disabled Rust trying to stack stackable items when claiming a loadout. If the slot the item is in is occupied it will try and move it to a free slot, and if that fails it will drop the item on the ground
Added a creation cooldown time to the config limitation profiles
Added permission "loadouts.nocreationcooldown" to bypass loadout creation cooldown
Fixed cooldowns not being applied when using the supply drop style of give
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Increase width of current/max amount labels in item amount panel
Replace supply drop loot panel with the coffin loot panel so you can see a full inventory
Added console command "loadouts.givedefaultloadout <playerID>" to give the target player the default loadout (can be used by admins or other plugins)