Jet Event

Jet Event 1.7.0

Fixed some errors added /jet end to end all events from this plugin.
Fixed timer not working correcty
Console and chat

/jet event <totalPlanes> <totalCrash> <runTime> - Start Event

See /jet for command usages

added fog nuke effect to config option for when nuke hits close by player
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Reactions: BenDer
Fixed water crashes. Fixed npc lifetime, changed kit method to allow usages from other kit plugins, added chat command /jet crashsite = to have jet crash around your position,
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Reactions: BenDer
Added parachute delays so they all not jumping out at the same time to make it look more real.
Added loot options to the Send In Npc BackUp Settings in config.
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Reactions: BenDer
Removed debug messages, Added in Console command, Made command name changeable in config.
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Reactions: BenDer
Npc bugs fix
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Reactions: BenDer
Added damage option to allow or not allow damage if hits players buildingblocks to both random and toplayer options in config.
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Reactions: BenDer
Fixed scientists not dropping corpse
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Reactions: BenDer
Ch47 will fly in some scientists to help defend the crash site.
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Reactions: BenDer