Jet Event

Jet Event 1.7.0

Fix for new parachute failing and then it causing it to killing the npc
Parachute fixes
Fix for rust not letting parachutes being attacked to scientist_suites
Fox for parachute not deploying on npc's
Fix for upcoming rust update.
Added Visual dome and ZoneManager support via pve mapping from TruePVE/NextGenPVE

"TruePVE Settings": {
"Create PVP Zone Around Crash Site Using ZoneManager And TruePVE Mapping Name": "",
"Create Visual Dome Around Zone": false,
"Zone Radius - 0.0 Disables Zone And Dome": 0.0,
"LifeTime Of The Zone In Minutes": 1,
"Zone Enter Message": "test enter",
"Zone Exit Message": "test exit"
Fix for Damage with TruePVE Fix for jets not shooting mlrs after first event usage
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Fixed damage to deployable from jets if config is set to not allow nuke damage.
Fixed Unload Issue.
Update to plugin loot to try and stop dups from list of items.
Warning config has changed and will reset.

Added in Loot profiles in datafile you can set min/max for item and chance for item to get.

if you don't want to use the loot profiles remove them from config.

"Loot Table Data File Name And Total Item Slots To Use": {}

Fixed fire bullets not doing damage to the npc