
HomeRecycler 2.0.10

- reworked cooldowns - now it stays ok between restarts
- auto data wiping on map wipe
- now default recyclers in RadTowns are untoched - uses Rust default rates
- added switches "useSpawning" and "useCrafting" to enable/disable these
- added cooldown with permission to crafting
- added limit options to crafting and getting the recycler
- added option to disallow placing recycler on ground (only construction)
- added additinal checks for stacking bug
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Reactions: Mimmo and Krazy_
- added ability to craft the recycler with permission homerecycler.cancraft with cooldown ignore by permission homerecycler.ignorecraftcooldown
crafting resources are defined in config
- can change chat command for giving recycler and crafting recycler
- added console command to give a recycler to any player not by himself:
giverecycler <name or steamid>
- added checking in every places if inventory is full
- added config option restrictUseByCupboard to block recycler use by cupboard
- added config option percentOfMaxStackToTake for rates to speed up the recycling process if needed
- added config option RatioScrap - ability to modify out scrap amount if needed
- fixed loading default messages
- fixed permission for give
- added cooldown and permission homerecycler.ignorecooldown