
HomeRecycler 2.0.10

Fixed "giverecycler" console command via rcon
Refactored code
Redesigned UI
Health popup when hitting with a hammer shows for 3 seconds
Removed ImageLibrary requirement

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Reactions: Hanumann
Updated deprecated hook
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Reactions: Hanumann
-fixes for placing
-cupboard tracking changed
- patch for rust update
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Reactions: smcfrk
- small update to OnRecycleItem hook
- ops, fixed pickup
with last oxide update recycler hook is working correctly
- added option for ability to change public recyclers rates, speed
- fixes for some errors on startup with spawning in containers
- reworked code for calculating resources from ingredients (if amount is less 1, its 50% chance u get it)
- set adminSpawnsPublicRecycler to false by default
- added ui for crafting (config option), imagelibrary needed
- bugfix for pickup recycler with gui
Big update
- blacklist of items
- can set itemname for replacement item (now changed from wooden box to research table)
- added more stacking tracking (recomend to set trackStacking = false and set maxstackable for recyclerItemName is stacking controller to 1)
- ability to destroy recycler
- ability to repair recycler
- UI displaying current HP if repair enabled
- added UI for picking recycler
- changed a bit scrap getting from items
- fixed rare error on low recycling rates
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Reactions: MalS