
HeliRefuel 2.1.19

This update REQUIRES the CustomNPC plugin ( https://www.chaoscode.io/resources/customnpc.216/ )
Replaced NPC controllers with the CustomNPC plugin
Updated deprecated hook
Added config options;
"Display map when while helicopter is on the ground": false,
    "Map marker size": 0.25,
    "Map marker color (hex)": "#ce422b",
    "Map marker opacity (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.6
Queue up another refuel when leaving a previous refuel site
Don't raycast for loot spawns when dropping loot on death
Call OnEntityDeath hook when killing helicopter
Changed corpse loot population for recent Rust update
Added config option to set NPC health
Added config option to not be targeted by various turret types
Changed corpse loot population for recent Rust update
Added config option to set NPC health
Added config option to not be targeted by various turret types
Fixed potential conflict when using the HumanNPC plugin
Added config option to change the amount of time from when the helicopter starts packing up until it actually leaves
Manually dismount scientists so they aren't killed from a failed dismount position
Ensure helicopter returns to its patrol route when taking off
Because BotSpawn
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Reactions: MalS
Fixed server freezing (as far as I can tell)
Force NPC's to target players who attack them
Increased NPC chase distance to 45m from helicopter
If enemy is farther than 45m from helicopter NPC's will try and move to a position where they can attack that is inside the 45m radius
Set lower NPC movement speed when there is a clear LOS to target and target is within the weapons effective range to ensure the NPCs actually attack
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Reactions: Robert and MalS