
DynamicCupShare 3.1.14

  • Fixed multiple adding of the same "PlayerNameID" to cupboard authorized player lists.
  • Trying to kill some recently rare NRE's
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Reactions: xkraz and DoC
  • Fixed a wrong called hook creating an NRE for cup|turret-sharing-deactivation on friends.
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Reactions: Alex
  • Added a plugin integrated twig-and-shit build/place blocker for non-cup-authed players
      "Blocking": {
        "blockBuildAllowLadders": true, // to allow Ladders even if block is enabled
        "blockBuildExcludeAdmins": true, // to exclude admins from limitations
        "blockBuildIntoBlocked": false, // to activate the whole function
        "blockBuildNotifyPlayer": true // to inform the player of the block
  • This was made to solve any existing issues DynaShare users might have with the public available stand-alone solutions.
    It uses also way less code and cpu-time to realize this :p
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Reactions: DoC
  • Fixes for NRE's at "OnFriendRemoved" and "OnClanMemberGone"
  • Fix for NRE at "CanUseLockedEntity"
  • Mutual Fix for NRE at "OnFriendRemoved"
  • Fix for NRE at player disconnect
  • Optimized again the cupboard processing to be more precise
  • The adminmode cupboard accessing does now also include the removal of authed cupboards while the player was in adminmode
    > This way the "addAdminsToCupboards" switch was removed again
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Reactions: dak0za
  • The cupboard authorization process was overhauled to be more instant and reliable
  • This should mainly affect those cases where players are not authed on cupboards placed near them being in range of these cupboards even when the ownerplayer had autoauth on.
  • It should affect those cases where players come from one cupboard range into another range and where not instant authed on these cupboards.
  • Added a switch for the admin-mode to enable physical adding of admins to any cupboard in range while in admin-mode.
    > Functions > addAdminsToCupboards (default: false)