
DynamicCupShare 3.1.14

  • Trying to fix recent error:
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  • Fixed shared cupbaords not being accesible when they are locked.
    This does now even grant automatic lock access when the cupboard is shared.
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Reactions: TomHud™
  • Added extra "blockbuildNoIceSheets" option to differ between iceberg and icesheets.
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Reactions: EvilynCorporated
  • Patched for the Building-System 3.0
    This does NOT work on prior game versions (due to the current time and game-state while posting this)
  • Updated iceberg and icesheet validation for successful blocking
  • Fixed a issue preventing the kick of clan-members when connected to a ClansREBORN
  • Added additonal data consistency check to "CanUseLockedEntity"
  • Added additional input checks to "share c|cup" and "share t|turret"
  • Added a config option|part to define any used fake-admin permissions.
    This is needed to identify the affected users of those plugins.
        "pseudoAdminPerms": [
  • This version should solve now after a complete rework of the friend add/remove and clan join, kick, disband logic several of the recently reported problems eiter with Friends and/or clans not working properly at member-actions.
  • Secondly it should resolve the NTeleporation limitations of players trying to port to a fresh added friend or clan-member.
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Reactions: VinylFresh
  • Added a "blockBuildNoIceBergs" option switch to the blocking part.
    TRUE would disallow building on icebergs. "blockBuildIntoBlocked" must then also generally be active.
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Reactions: RustyForest