
DiscordRewards 2.0.1

If you are using a bot status message backup your message from your config before updating!
Added support for multiple status messages that cycle through

This will remove any existing status message and the new format in the config will be as follows
"Bot Status Messages":
      "Test message 1",
      "Test message 2"
Remove data entries for users with a null Discord ID when using the purge command
Ensure connection is established before trying to set bot status
Added support for custom bot status messages with optional variables;
{playersMin} - Displays the current amount of players on your server
{playersMax} - Displays your server capacity
{rewardPlayers} - Displays the current amount of players who are receiving rewards from this plugin and have a valid token

See the overview for more information on how to set one
Added command "discord.admin validatepermissions" to validate user data and reinstate any permissions that are missing
Try and detect when users leave your Discord and revoke their rewards (This is not a solid solution and I recommend you continue using validation tokens)

Prevent storing tokens and send a error to the user if they have DM's disabled which prevents the bot from contacting them

Added config option "Automatically try and re-validate users when their token has expired" which when a users token has expired and they are required to re-validate it will automatically check if they are still in the Discord and re-validate them automatically with out them needing to do anything
Fixed revoke command
Added a bunch of stuff to try and verify the extension is still connected to Discord, and reload the plugin if it isn't
Added checks to make sure the config doesn't have null values
Added support to grant Discord roles to users when validating, which last for as long as they are validated (You will need to update you bots permissions to use this!)

Added console command "discord.admin purge" which will force revoke rewards for any user with an expired token and remove them from the data file
Added console command "discord.admin wipe" which will revoke rewards every user and wipe the data file
Added console command "discord.admin revoke <playerID" which will remove rewards for the specified player and remove them from the data file
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Reactions: michiel marcelis
Made user name inputs case insensitive
Get an additional member list via web requests for times when the extension fails to find a user. This web request is limited to 1000 members at a time and updates every 5 minutes. I have it set up to run multiple requests if it returns the limit and tested it by setting the limit to 1 but won't know for sure if it will get over 1000 members until someone with 1000+ Discord members tries it out
Added config option to disable revalidation time
Added config option to disable UI reward selector
Added ability to add users to usergroups upon validation, which are automatically removed when the revalidation period has expired
Added ability to grant users permissions upon validation, which are automatically removed when the revalidation period has expired
Added ability to run commands upon validation
Added config option to enable DiscordExt debug mode
Removed some unused config UI options