
DiscordRewards 2.0.1

Fixed bot avatar URL for UI
Fixed booster role
The config file has changed! Backup your config file before updating the plugin. You will need to copy some your alternative reward options over to the new config file

This update requires Chaos v1.0.21. It is likely you already have this version on your server and just need a restart for it to be applied

The plugin has had a major overhaul
Token UI popup
New store UI, with admin additional admin menu for adding/editing/deleting rewards
The reward store uses tokens which are given when linking a account and when revalidating (configurable amounts in the config)
Existing reward store items from pre v2.x.x default to 1 token cost
Expiration times are automatically validated when it expires instead of when the player connects to the server
Improvements to bulk updating Discord roles
Other shit I don't recall
Don't purge users when automatic validation is enabled when running the resyncusergroups console command
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Reactions: grimm530
Added console command "discord.admin resyncusergroups <opt:player ID>" which resyncs the Oxide usergroup and permission rewards with the target player. Don't specify a player ID to resync all registered discord users
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Reactions: grimm530
When granting/revoking discord roles, run it in a loop with 5 seconds intervals verifying the user does/doesnt have each role until the task is verified as complete. Extension or discords API has issues when granting/revoking multiple roles?
Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException
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Reactions: Paul Strand
This update requires Discord Extension v2.0.0+

Updated for Oxide.Ext.Discord v2.0.0+
Added config option to specify a channel users can post their token to instead or only directly to the bot
Change player find method
Split unable to find player, and player not connected responses
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Reactions: SwayBird
Small change to how rewards are issued
Verify rewards when automatically revalidating user
Added support for additional rewards for Nitro Boosters;
- Additional groups, permissions and commands can be setup via the config
- Nitro-specific items, kits and commands can be setup to claim through UI menu
Fixed a issue where Discord roles were not always revoked when the users token had expired
Updated the plugin to use the latest version of the Discord extension (v1.0.7) https://umod.org/extensions/discord