Clans REBORN 3.0.39

  • Optimized covalence calls on player-searches
  • Tried to fix also the last 2% of issues with the TeamUI
  • The command does now also listen for player-names-or-id to get a clan listed
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Reactions: Ryan and MalS
  • Implemented an additional refresh of a players IPlayer object, which are used to count online players, list online players, etc.
    This should hopefully prevent now any plugin resets to gain the correct player-presence
  • added a clan changes log function
    logClanChanges > set true to log the common clan creations, disbands, and member changes
    08/01/2018 10:46:25 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' promoted 'Teddy' of [PunkZ] to Council
    08/01/2018 10:46:38 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' demoted 'Teddy' of [PunkZ] to Moderator
    08/01/2018 10:50:06 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' assigned 'Furukawa' of [PunkZ] to new owner
    08/01/2018 10:51:28 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' promoted 'FuJiCuRa' of [PunkZ] to the clan owner
    08/01/2018 10:51:46 - Console: 'ServerOwner' promoted 'Furukawa' of [PunkZ] to the clan owner
    08/01/2018 10:54:52 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' kicked 'Teddy' from [PunkZ]
    08/01/2018 10:56:04 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' added 'Teddy' to [PunkZ]
    08/01/2018 11:00:52 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' renamed 'PunkZ' to [PunkD]
    08/01/2018 11:01:19 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' renamed 'PunkD' to [PuNkZ]
    08/01/2018 11:03:21 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' kicked 'vanKA' from [PuNkZ]
    08/01/2018 11:03:55 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' kicked 'Teddy' from [PuNkZ]
    08/01/2018 11:04:12 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' created the new clan [ABC] with 'Teddy' as owner
    08/01/2018 11:06:02 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' disbanded [ABC]
    08/01/2018 11:06:06 - Console: 'FuJiCuRa' created the new clan [ABC] with 'Teddy' as owner
    08/01/2018 11:17:26 - 'FuJiCuRa' promoted 'vanKA' to a Moderator of [PuNkZ]
    08/01/2018 11:17:40 - 'FuJiCuRa' promoted 'vanKA' to a Council of [PuNkZ]
    08/01/2018 11:17:47 - 'FuJiCuRa' demoted 'vanKA' to a Moderator of [PuNkZ]
    08/01/2018 11:17:58 - 'FuJiCuRa' demoted 'vanKA' to a Member of [PuNkZ]
    08/01/2018 11:18:07 - 'FuJiCuRa' kicked 'vanKA' from [PuNkZ]
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Reactions: MalS
  • Fixed, clans.list & clans.listex commands to display the correct player online status.
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Reactions: MalS
  • Mirrored the players /clan command to console, by clan

  • Added for management: clans.create
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Reactions: MalS
  • Fixed "player not found" issue on chat commands @Rocky
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Reactions: MalS and Rocky
  • Fix#2 for ClansUI
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Reactions: MalS
  • Fix for ClansUI
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Reactions: MalS
  • Several fixes for recent version
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Reactions: MalS and GLasiore
  • Fixed wrong from versioning of recent 5 patches :p
  • Changed NameTag refeshing to work again;
    This needs to reset the player objects for one frame to re-initialize the nametags.
    This reset results in very short visual flickering only.
  • Complete re-design of the TeamUI integration to gain more seamless integration with the native controls.
    This has new options also:
      "Teaming": {
        "allowButtonKick": true, // to enable/disable the kick function by overlay for the owner
        "allowButtonLeave": true, // to enable/disable the simple leave for each member
        "allowDirectInvite": true, // to enable/disable the direct playerinvite for the owner
        "allowPromoteLeader": true, // to enable/disable the direct promote of another owner
        "clientRefreshInterval": 5.0, // defines the interval how often the clan will send out a refresh to each online player
        "disableManageFunctions": false, // enable/disable any (above mentioned) UI interactions
        "listDeadOfflineMembers": false, // to list also "dead & offline" normal members; member with any role are always listed
        "useRankColorsPanel": true, // uses the clan rank colors also for the UI-Panel
        "useRelationshipManager": true // enables/disables the whole Team-Extensions

  • Did also a lot of re-work under the hood.
    In case of you do encounter any critical problem on this version, plz create a report and go back one version until the issue gets identified and fixed