Clans REBORN 3.0.39

  • Patched for compatibility with reduced Log-file capabilities (Chat.txt removed from game)
  • Added config option"forceClanFFNoDeactivate" (default: FALSE) as completition to the equivalent switch for Allys. TRUE would prevent any deactivation by individual players.
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Reactions: Pur3x
  • Removed left debug-code spamming the console with member-names
  • Optimized the clan overview text-splitter functions to guarantee all relevant data being displayed
  • Made clan internal member select by chatcommands failsafe.
    This way a player should always be able to find by partial name
  • Clans status messages at login and invite notifications wait now to display until a player has fully entered the game.
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Reactions: GLasiore and Lone
  • Fixed some hooks for clan disbanding or "last member" leaves, to prevent the de-auth on their own stuff :p
  • Optimized some internal hooks in combination with DynamicCupShare
  • This patch does include some internal hooks as preparation for a later DynamicCupShare version
  • Added 2 config options:
    enableComesOnlineMsg > enable/disable member comes online notification
    enableWhoIsOnlineMsg > enable/disable to-player notification who's online